Thursday, January 18, 2007

A new econmic beginning???

The Stanbic IPO is now officially over and the returns are in. We all have got the shares we applied for and for many this is the birth of their stock portfolio. With it will come the ups and downs that the roller coaster ride called the stock market will bring.

But the upside is that it is also a new dawn in the way people save and grow their wealth. I need not go into the lousy interest rates that banks offer and the very high ones they charge when you go to borrow it back!! Now a new way of investing money other than the usual suspects: land, houses, bufundas and the very fashionable but rediculously named high schools.

Expect to see unit trusts or mutual funds showing up on the scene. Expect more companies to launch IPOs, no doubt impressed by the long queues of eager citizens, having dug up the money from a hole in the bottom of the garden and coming out to buy shares. These are truly exciting times.


Anonymous said...

Hi DMX, you may be interested to know how Stanbic did on its first day of trading. Its lowest price was 140, higest 240, closing price 205. Traded over U.Sh 4b worth. Not bad huh??

DMX said...

Yes nameless

This is an exciting time for the country, as I said previously. IPOs tend to be priced below value to ensure good subscription, but also governments hope to pass a profit onto the populace.

The fear is that novice investors may not quite understand the implications of the ups and downs of the market.