A bag with over 20 million Ug Shs was stolen from the official car of the Commander of Defence Forces, General Aronda Nyakairima. The money was for his 'Research' Project! And his body guards have been arrested and will soon be court martialled.
Its not the fact that the theft was attributed to indiscipline and not low pay in the Forces that left me gobsmacked, but that the fact that someone so high up the food chain would have to carry research money, in cash, in his car!!! That begs the question what is the research project and why is it not managed as part of the regular military administrative duties and pay outs made via the paymaster??
Was the research proposal reviewed and passed by an ethical committee??? But would anyone dare to reject the boss's proposal?
I can only amuse myself trying to imagine the good general himself haggling with his irritated and overworked'research' assistants out in the fields somewhere, and trying to beat a deadline.
Oh Yes: And the world Journal of Military Science is interested in the end result.
Or is there really a research project?? HAAAA!
But then again, this is the republic we are talking about....things are done differently.
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